WORKSPACE ADMINISTRATION Archives | Legito Learn how to use Legito’s products, and achieve more with Legito thanks to industry insights and best practice advice. Sun, 17 Mar 2024 11:09:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WORKSPACE ADMINISTRATION Archives | Legito 32 32 Single Sign-On (SSO) Sun, 17 Mar 2024 11:04:30 +0000 The post Single Sign-On (SSO) appeared first on Legito.


To empower our enterprise customers, we have created an off-the-shelf customizable Single Sign-On integration for the most common services (see the Integrations section).

This feature allows your admins to connect your user management service to Legito without any programming, including mapping your SSO roles with permissions in your Legito Workspace.

To activate, please contact our Helpdesk and request a subdomain for your Workspace.

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Workspace Localization Sun, 17 Mar 2024 10:51:31 +0000 The post Workspace Localization appeared first on Legito.


Workspace admins can set formats of dates, numbers, and financial values for all Workspace areas except for the content of Templates and Documents which have a separate setting (Document Localization).

In addition to the above, Workspace Localization contains default units (imperial or metric) for the Template Editor and default paper size for Templates.

All values are set automatically based on the Workspace location (country), but Workspace admins may change them.

Workspace Localization is applicable to all users signed in to the Workspace.

Localization Settings for Workspace


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Billing Sun, 17 Mar 2024 10:48:00 +0000 The post Billing appeared first on Legito.


The Billing section contains management of Payment Methods, upgrading or downloading a number of Users, and other subscription parameters within a billing cycle.

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Workspace Navigation Mon, 11 Mar 2024 11:51:41 +0000 The post Workspace Navigation appeared first on Legito.


It is possible to customize the order of items in the top Workspace menu, including Dashboard, Manage Documents, Templates, People, all custom Objects, and Analytics.

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Document Localizations Tue, 08 Dec 2020 10:47:17 +0000 The post Document Localizations appeared first on Legito.


Workspace admins can ensure formatting consistency of numbers, dates, and currencies across documents in a Workspace in two ways:

  • Configuring localization settings dynamically, according to document language;


  • Set language-agnostic formatting for all your Templates according to one’s organization’s preferences.

Localization settings options include date and number formats, and currency display options.

To review, create, or modify Document Localizations:

  1. Go to the left side of the top menu on any main landing page and find the “My Account” dropdown.
  2. Choose “Settings”.
  3. Choose “Document Localizations” from the left Column, under the Developer’s category.

There are three tabs at the top of the Settings window:

  • Preferred Localization

This tab sets your preferred localization type:  Localizations of numbers, dates, and currencies will either be dependent on the language, or consistent across the workspace, irrespective of the template or document language.

  • Language Specific

Language Specific localization settings allow for the dynamic choice of localization settings dependent on the document language. E.g., documents drafted in United Kingdom English shall have the following date formatting: dd-mm-yyyy.

By default, Date, Monetary, and Numerical entries have preset formats for the respective language (typically ISO standards).

Workspace Admins are able to customize unique formatting for each of Templates’ respective languages the same way as is described below for the “Unified Across All Workspace Templates” option except the default option for month format.

Open the tab labeled, “Language Specific”, choose the language you would like to customize, and click the Edit button. After setting the parameters, click Save at the bottom of the form. Only after being saved will the new formatting be applied (immediately) to all Templates in the respective language, and to all existing and newly created Legito Documents in that language.

Formatting for each language can easily be restored to Legito’s default settings by clicking the “Restore to default” button. Note – the Restore button will be enabled only after a customized setting is created.

  • Unified Across All Workspace Templates

Unified localization settings allow custom settings to be applied across the entire workspace, irrespective of the language.

Setting options include:


  • Dropdown option for numerical date formats.
  • Dropdown option for alphanumerical (month in words) date formats
  • Preferred (default) option for month format (Number or Word)



This setting is applicable to “Number Only” Text Input Elements.

  • Options for thousands separator (comma, period, space, none)
  • Options for the type of decimal separator (comma, period)


This setting is applicable to Money Elements.

  • Options for thousands separator (comma, period, space, none)
  • Options for the type of decimal separator (comma, period)
  • Number of decimal places

The number of decimal places means the exact number of places, For example, if settings allow for two decimal places, if 100.579 USD is entered, Legito will round the number up to 100.58 USD; if  100.5 USD is entered, Legito will convert the number to 100.50 USD.

  • Currency Symbol Position (Before Amount, After Amount, According to Localization)

When the “According to Localization” option is applied; the placement of the currency symbol is determined by the Position currently used for the Document language.

  • Currency Symbol Type for Local Currency (ISO Code, ISO Name, Official Name, Symbol)
  • Currency Symbol Type for Foreign Currency (ISO Code, ISO Name, Official Name, Symbol)

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Security Settings Thu, 12 Nov 2020 13:19:13 +0000 The post Security Settings appeared first on Legito.

There are several layers of security folded into Legito to ensure a secure workplace. (See KnowledgeBase Articles on Sharing;Guests, User Groups, & Permissions). In addition to these in-app solutions, Legito also offers Password requirements and IP restrictions to strengthen the entry security parameters to protect your Workspace from external intrusions.

Customizable Password Parameters

Workspace Admins can define a minimum password length and the types of required characters a user must incorporate into their password.  for users newly invited to register to a Workspace. To set your password parameters:

  • On the left side of the top menu on any main landing page, find the “My Account” dropdown
  • Choose “Settings”
  • Choose “Security” from the left Column, under the Workspace category.

    Under the “Mandatory Password Character Set” heading, you can:
  • Set the minimal password length
  • Select Mandatory password characters, including:
    • Lower case
    • Upper case
    • Numerical
    • Special
  • The default setting does not require a particular password length or any specific characters


IP Addresses Restriction for Workspaces

Workspace Admins may control how and from where, users access a workspace by limiting access to a Workspace to a specific IP address range (or various ranges).  Despite having the correct credentials, users will not be able to access a workspace from a location that has not been first approved by the Workspace Admin. 

In order to configure your IP Range settings: 

  • On the left side of the top menu on any main landing page, find the “My Account” dropdown
  • Choose “Settings”
  • Choose “Security” from the left Column, under the Workspace category

Under the “Permitted Workspace IP Addresses” heading, you can click the, “Add IP Address” button which will cause a pop-up window to appear into which you may enter the allowed IP ranges

  • The default setting does not include any restrictions, allowing users to register from any IP address range. 
  • If a user has access to multiple workspaces, IP restrictions set in one workspace will not affect access to another.

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Guests Thu, 05 Mar 2020 10:01:42 +0000 The post Guests appeared first on Legito.


Guests are individuals invited to a Workspace with limited access. Guests may, depending on the permissions, view or modify documents in Document Editor, but do not have access to any other area in Legito.

Guests are invited through shareable links. Detailed information on how to share with Guests (External Sharing) can be found in the KnowledgeBase article on Document Sharing. Guests are not counted towards the total number of users under your license. Guests access is typically used for occasions when documents need to be temporarily shared with people who are not currently registered in your Workspace.

External parties such as clients, or individuals within your company who do not require regular access to your Legito Workspace are good candidates to be Guests. Another possible use case may be to post a template using a shareable link placed on a customer’s website in order to pick up new clients.

Document access for a Guest is limited compared to that of a full user. Guests may view a document in Document Editor and, if granted edit rights, fill in a document and make comments.
The following feature Document Editor features are unavailable and hidden to Guests:

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User Groups Thu, 05 Mar 2020 09:58:54 +0000 The post User Groups appeared first on Legito.


The User Groups feature makes it possible to apply access rights to a group of users simultaneously, rather than on an individual basis. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of access being granted incorrectly.

User Groups are created and modified along with User permissions under the People section of Legito. It is possible to toggle between Users Groups and Users by clicking their respective buttons in the left menu. The Add User Group button will open a window that will request a new User Group name to be entered and will allow for the adding of Users to the User Group by dropdown.Each User added to the Group may have one of the following four levels of access:

  1. List Documents – Able to see the Document Records that have been shared with the User Group
  2. View Document Content – “View Only” access to documents assigned to the User Group
  3. Edit Documents – Edit rights to documents shared with the User Group
  4. Manage Documents – Full Edit and Sharing rights to documents shared with the User Group.

Once a User Group has been created, it will be visible when using the Sharing feature: Although Shared to a User Group, the levels of access listed above will control how each user in a User Group interacts with the shared document.

User Groups also come into play with Workflow Approvals. When assigning a list of approvers in a Workflow, it is possible to assign User Groups as well as Users. More information about this can be found in the KnowledgeBase article on Workflow Approvals.

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Users and Permissions Thu, 05 Mar 2020 09:46:23 +0000 The post Users and Permissions appeared first on Legito.


Settings for Workspace features such as Document Records, Documents, Templates, uploaded Files, signatures, or visibility of other Users in Legito are all controlled through the Permissions area. Generally, Permissions are set when a user is added to a Workspace, but it is possible to modify a user’s permissions at any time. Permissions may be applied on a user or department basis.

User permissions are found under the People section of Legito. On this page, you will see a list of all Users and User Groups in the Workspace. To toggle between Users and User Groups, click on the User / User Group buttons on the left side of the page.

The Add User button will open a window that allows you to enter a new user’s details (Full Name, Email, Custom ID (versus Legito User ID), Position, Profile Photo) as well as select permissions.

The Add User button will open a window that allows you to enter a new user’s details such as Full Name, Email, Custom ID (versus Legito User ID), Position, Profile Photo, and Custom Data (see detail below), as well as select permissions.

Optional Email Invitation for New Users

New Users may be added without their receiving an automatically generated email.  Recommended for clients using SSO or another automated authentication, as the automated email invitation guides new users to create a separate password, which would be superfluous.


The Edit button will open the same window; however, the user’s contact details will already be populated.

The first permissions option is Workspace Admin. This grants complete permissions and access across the entire Workspace, including all Document Records. This should be reserved for those users who will design templates and provide administrative support to general users. 

Under this is the first option is the complete list of Legito Permissions:

  • Export (download) Documents
  • Export (download) Documents to the following file types:
    • Docx; pdf; html; htm; rtf; xml; odt; txt;

It is important to note that although export permissions may be set here, users also require to manage and edit permissions in order to export files successfully. More information about downloads may be found in the Downloads KnowledgeBase article.

  • Modify Document Language

Grants permission to create dual language documents or switch to an existing translated version.  The ability to modify a document’s language is only visible to users with permission to do so.  Additional information can be found in the Translations & Dual Language Documents KnowledgeBase article.

  • Share Documents Externally

Permits users to share documents outside of the Workspace.  Additional information can be found in the Document Sharing KnowledgeBase article.

  • Email Documents

Permits users to send documents exported to Word or PDF via email.  Additional information can be found in the Sending by Email KnowledgeBase article.

  • Unlock Document Text

Grants user the ability to unlock, modify, and relock a document’s standardized text. Additional information can be found in the Introduction to Document Editor KnowledgeBase article.

  • Can create new Template Suites

Creating Template Suites (and Templates in them) is normally reserved for Workspace Admins, but this feature grants Users the ability to create a new Template Suite and edit the newly created Template Suite without also giving overall Workspace administration access. Additional information can be found in the Overview of Template Automation KnowledgeBase article

  • View Confidential Document Records

Grants user access to documents categorized as confidential. Additional information can be found in Document Records KnowledgeBase Article.

  • File Upload

Permits Users to upload files to existing Document Records, or to create new Document Records through file upload. Additional information can be found in Document Records KnowledgeBase Article.

  • View Analytics

Permits users to view Document Analytics for the Workspace. Additional information can be found in Document Content Analytics KnowledgeBase Article.

  • Manage Advanced Styles

Allows users to create new or modify existing, Advanced Styles. Additional information can be found in Advanced Styles KnowledgeBase Article.

  • View Internal Documents

Permits users to view Internal Documents (documents in a Document Bundle that are usually not visible to users unless they have been permissioned appropriately). Additional information can be found in Template Properties KnowledgeBase Article.

  • Manage Tags

Additional information can be found in Template Tags Overview KnowledgeBase Article.

  • Manage Scripts

Permits users to access and create custom Scripts for Template Tags. Additional information can be found in Scripts Editor KnowledgeBase Article. This permission should be reserved for users with IT background.

  • Manage Custom Lists

Permits users to use Scripts to create Custom Lists. Additional information can be found in the Scripts KnowledgeBase article.

  • Manage Workflows

Permits users to create new or modify existing, Workflows. Additional information can be found in the KnowledgeBase Workflows Overview KnowledgeBase article.

  • Sign with Legito BioSign
  • Sign with DocuSign
  •  Auto-Share Document Records
    Allows a user to automatically receive access to all documents (or only Document Records) depending on the selected permission detail.
    • Deactivated
    • View Document Record Only
    • View Document
    • Edit Document
    • Manage Document
      Additional information can be found in the Sharing KnowledgeBase article.
  • Assign Owner / Share with

When sharing a document or assigning a new Owner to a document, this setting controls the list of available users visible in the dropdown. This does not control actual access, only the view of the list of users available to be selected to share a document.  This feature can be useful for adding a layer of privacy, especially with the “Only Users in the Same User Group” or “Access to Document Record” selections.

For instance, in situations where your Workspace is used as a client portal, it would not be appropriate for one client to be able to view other clients using the Workspace. Client’s employees can be grouped to the same User Group (department) so they can see only each other.

These rules on sharing and assigning can be configured to limit which other users a user may to share with, or assign to:

  • All Users in Workspace
  • Only Users in the Same User Group
  • Only Users in the Same User Group or with existing Access to Document Record
  • Only Users With existing Access to Document Record

Based on the limitations set forth above, users will only be able to view those users to which access has been granted.

Template Access (File Icon)

  • Access to all templates
  • Access to the following templates only

Template Category Access

  • Access to templates from all Template Categories
  • Access to templates from the following Template Categories only

Country / Region Template Access

Additional information can be found in the KnowledgeBase Country / Region article

  • Access to templates from all Country / Region
  • Access to Templates from the following Countries only

Please note that the relationship between access to the individual template, templates in a template category, or templates for a certain country/region is following:

individual template OR (template category AND country)

Meaning that having access to all templates will supersede all restrictions based on Template Category and/or Country/Region.

(Please note that reference to “Documents” means Legito generated documents)

Can create Document Record

There is now a new user permission entitled, “Can create Document Record”, allowing a user to manually create new Document Records. The permission is enabled by default. Users without this permission will not see the “Create Document Record” buttons in the Workspace.

Template Suite Permissions

It is possible to define in each Template Suite if the given User can only use it (to generate documents), or use and edit(edit content, logic, and settings of the Template Suite and its Templates, including saving and publishing new versions).


Except for a workspace admin, we recommend the following permission settings for the following types of users:

Permission Power Users Regular Users Clients
Admin NO NO NO
Draft templates YES NO NO
View confidential documents Individual Basis Individual Basis Individual Basis
Auto-share of all documents Individual Basis Individual Basis Deactivated
Export to “.docx” file YES Individual Basis Individual Basis
Export to “.pdf” file YES Individual Basis Individual Basis
Access all templates Individual Basis Individual Basis Individual Basis
Access templates in all groups Individual Basis Individual Basis Individual Basis
Access templates in all Country / Regions Individual Basis Individual Basis Individual Basis
Modify template language  YES  YES Individual Basis
Assign an Owner / Share with All users All users Only users assigned to a document
Upload files Individual Basis Individual Basis Individual Basis
View analytics YES Individual Basis NO
Export documents YES YES Individual Basis
Share templates to external users YES NO NO
Share documents (or specific document version) to external users YES YES NO


User-Specific Custom Data field

To enable the insertion of non-public, additional information to each user, we added a Custom Data field that can be populated also via the REST API.

User-Specific Custom Data field in Legito

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Notifications Sat, 15 Feb 2020 22:05:26 +0000 The post Notifications appeared first on Legito.


Legito Notifications provide alerts based on certain document events. including Expiration, Payment, Delivery, and Signing dates.  Notifications may be received via email or within Legito.  For notifications that are received in Legito, an alert appears in the Notification bell at the top right corner of the main landing pages. To adjust the types of notifications received, as well as when notifications are received, first

  1. Go to the left side of the top menu on any main landing page and find the “My Account” dropdown.
  2. Choose “Settings”.
  3. Choose “Notification Details” from the left Column, under the Personal category.

The Notification Details page is split into two sections. In the top section of the page, it’s possible to choose how many days in advance of a deadline a notification will be sent. Enter any number of days and click the confirm button to save the selection.

The bottom section of the page lists different Events that can trigger a notification. For every Event there are three options:

  • My Documents – receive alerts only for those documents of which you are the owner.
  • My Documents & Shared Documents – receive alerts for documents of which you are the owner, and which have been shared with you.
  • Never – receive any alerts.

Just as it is possible to choose whether alerts will be received in Legito, or via email, it is also possible to have different types of alerts for the same Event. For example, if a file is uploaded to a Document Record, you can choose to receive an alert in Legito only if you are the document owner. However, you can choose not to receive any alerts via email if a file is uploaded to Document Record.

Below is a list of the Events for which you can choose to receive notifications:

  • Change Document Owner
  • Document Sharing
  • Document Sharing Removed
  • Upload File to Document Record
  • File Deleted
  • Add File Link to Document Record
  • File Download
  • Document Download
  • Document Created
  • Document Sent by Email
  • Document Record Updated
  • Document Viewed
  • Create New Document Version
  • Delete Document
  • Document Restored
  • Document Stage Change
  • Batch Generation Finish
  • Expiration Date Update
  • Expiration Date Reminder
  • Due Date Reminder
  • Delivery Date Reminder
  • Signing Date Reminder
  • New Message
  • Complete Document Signing
  • Signature Process Started
  • Signature Process Cancelled
  • External Sharing Activated
  • External Sharing Deactivated
  • Locked Editing
  • Unlocked Editing
  • Confidential
  • Non-Confidential
  • Approval document
  • Rejection document
  • Decision Cancelled
  • Approval Process Started
  • Overall Approval Granted
  • Overall Approval Rejected

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