Template Suite Settings Archives | Legito https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/category/template-automation/template-administration/template-suite-settings/ Learn how to use Legito’s products, and achieve more with Legito thanks to industry insights and best practice advice. Fri, 05 Apr 2024 13:40:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.legito.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/cropped-legito-icon-background-32x32.png Template Suite Settings Archives | Legito https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/category/template-automation/template-administration/template-suite-settings/ 32 32 Template Suite Layout https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/template-suite-layout/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:47:48 +0000 https://www.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=288389 The post Template Suite Layout appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

We believe that Legito’s unique smart documents featuring inputs and selections within the document are the best for automated drafting of the vast majority of documents, but we understand that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work here.

Legito offers a customizable Template Suite Layout for Template Suites that contain a combination of one or multiple Form Templates with one or multiple Document Templates.

The default Single option displays Templates centrally underneath each other.

The Dual option displays Form Templates in the left column, and Document Templates in the middle of the screen.

Each Template Suite can have a different Layout which can be set in the Template Suite Administration options.

The Template Suite Layout options do not affect any logical dependencies or permissions in the Template Suite and Documents created from them.

For design purposes, when the Dual Template Suite Layout is applied, Forms do not contain Help and Comments, indentations are automatically set to zero.

Dual Template Suite Layout is not applied in Dual Language Forms or Documents, and for Compare, Import, and/or Batch Generation mode.

Recommendations for Forms in the Dual Template Suite Layout:

  • Use only the Full Width design for Elements.
  • Do not use Questions, Tables, Images, and Sections with more than one column.

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Template Suite Properties https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/template-suite-properties/ Sun, 25 Feb 2024 10:37:38 +0000 https://www.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=287955 The post Template Suite Properties appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024
  • Show Template Suite Name
  • Allow Attachments
  • Combine all PDFs into one file by default: If combining all bundled documents (including PDF Attachments) into one PDF file is your preferred method, you can make it a default option for each individual Template Suite.
  • Landscape view (Will be deprecated on June 30, 2024)

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Template Suite Versions https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/template-suite-versions/ Sun, 25 Feb 2024 09:06:37 +0000 https://www.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=287866 The post Template Suite Versions appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

Template Suite Versions let users generate documents from previously publishedTemplate Versions.

The difference between Template Versions and Template Suite Versions is that Template Suite Versions consist of a combination of the latest draft and published versions of all Templates within a Template Suite, including properties of those templates, such as types (Document/Form/Table), or hidden / internal documents.

The main benefit of Template Suite Versions for our customers is that it is possible to make prior versions of Template Suites (which generally are restricted from use) available to users for document generation.

Step 1: Go to Template Suite Administration and click to Template Suite Versions:

Click “Make Available” for any previous Template Suite Version which you would like to make accessible to users, and name it:

Users will be able to open the available Template Suite Versions from their Dashboard or the Templates section:

Alternatively, you can create your own Template Suite Version by choosing published Versions of all Templates (including follow-up instructions) in the Template Suite:


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Document Menu Bar Options https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/document-menu-bar-options/ Sun, 25 Feb 2024 08:52:57 +0000 https://www.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=287856 The post Document Menu Bar Options appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

The document menu bar and the sidebar may be deactivated for each Template Suite. However, we strongly recommend keeping them active, except for minor use-cases where it is just a simple Form that users complete and then download the document. If the bars are deactivated, users won’t be able to use any feature contained in them except for Saving, Sharing, and Downloading the document.

The default tab of the Document Menu Bar may be customized for each Template Suite. It is possible to choose the default tab for:

  • Creating the first draft of a document from the template 
  • Reviewing document (creating the second and every subsequent version)


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Country / Region https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/country-region/ Thu, 05 Mar 2020 11:08:54 +0000 https://new-blog.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=6148 The post Country / Region appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

The Country / Region setting is one of a few ways to organize and group templates and documents in Legito. Every Template Suite is assigned a country/region upon creation. (note that if only a single Country / Region has been assigned to a Workspace (which is the default setting), all templates will be automatically assigned to that Country / Region, and this option will not appear.)

When creating a new Template Suite, provided the Workspace has been assigned more than one Country / Region, the pop-up window will require a Country / Region to be assigned, in addition to a Template Suite Name, and a Language

The option to change the assigned Country / Region is available at any time by editing the current selection on the bottom right corner of the Template Suite settings page, just above the words, “Delete Template Suite .

Clicking the pencil icon will cause a pop-up window to appear, allowing you to select or change the country / region from the list.

Like all template automation settings, the Country/Region setting is accessible only by Workspace Admins, and those users permissioned to create automated templates.

Country / Region Settings may be used to:

  • Search and Filter through templates; or
  • Manage user permissions and access to templates 

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Instructions https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/instructions/ Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:44:01 +0000 https://new-blog.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=6204 The post Instructions appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

Initial Instructions

Initial Instructions, provide instructions for users drafting documents from automated templates in Document Editor.

There are text formatting options when setting up Initial Instruction as well as configuration options, such as whether to have the Instructions appear in a pop-up window or whether they are displayed every time, for templates only, for documents only, for users only, or for guests only. A user drafting a document can pull up the instructions at any point of the drafting process by clicking the Instructions Tab at the top of Document Editor.

Instructions may be used to provide users or guests the following:

  • general directions on how to draft the document;
  • current relevant information concerning laws or internal policies to the document;
  • document specific drafting tips; and
  • document specific negotiating guidance.


Follow-Up instructions

Initial Instructions are entered in the Template Administration; Follow-Up instructions are drafted within Template Editor. Follow-up instructions are meant to be used once the document is drafted.
Generally, Follow-Up Instructions are included in transmittal email messages if a user chooses to share documents using Legito’s Send by Email feature. Follow-Up Instructions can be configured using logical dependencies such as Conditions or Link Elements, so they are only made available in certain scenarios or can be made to appear in certain areas of a document, such as the bottom of a page.
Thus users are provided with personalized instructions within their unique document settings.

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Search Keywords https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/search-keywords/ Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:29:54 +0000 https://new-blog.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=6184 The post Search Keywords appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

Template Descriptions can be useful when looking through a small number of Templates, but Search Keywords help users quickly locate the exact template required or a group of similar templates. 

The Search Keywords field
is found in the settings area on the right of the Template Suite. Clicking the “edit” pencil opens the field, allowing a Workspace Admin, or a user permissioned to build templates to add Search Keywords.Employing the search feature at the top of the Templates space under Templates Tab, or at the bottom of your Dashboard, Search Keywords will help you easily find your template. Search Keywords added to a document will help users find templates without entering the complete name of a template. For example, as policy, your company may call confidentiality agreements, “Non-Disclosure Agreements”, however, you want to ensure that a user can find the right template by entering reasonably related terms. If “Confidentiality”, “NDA”, and “Non-Disclosure” are added as a Search Keywords for the Non-Disclosure Agreement template, then most search queries should find the correct document quickly.

If your workspace has a relatively few templates, an overly organized approach to Search Keywords may be overkill, but if you’re a larger enterprise or any firm that anticipates document drafting increasing in scale, then a more systematic approach might be necessary.

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Description https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/description/ Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:27:27 +0000 https://new-blog.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=6178 The post Description appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

Sometimes a Template Suite’s title may not provide sufficient information to help a user understand which template should be used for a particular scenario. The Description field is a helpful feature to help users know which templates may best fit their needs.

The Description field is found in the settings area on the right of the Template Suite. Clicking the “edit” pencil opens the field, allowing a Workspace Admin, or a user permissioned to build templates to Add a Description to a Template Suite which helps users quickly find the correct template to start drafting their documents. The Description appears in the Template Suite placeholder when viewing Template Suites in your Workspace Dashboard or under the Templates tab of your Workspace.

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Template Categories https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/template-categories/ Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:12:51 +0000 https://new-blog.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=6158 The post Template Categories appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

Similar to Country/Region settings, Template Categories are a useful tool for organizing your templates into groups.  Also like Country/Region settings, Template Categories are created and made available to a Workspace by a Workspace Admin.

Users creating templates may assign Template Categories to Template Suites using the dropdown list right below the Assigned Workflow dropdown in the settings area on the right of the Template Suite. Once a Workspace has in excess of 10 Template Suites, The Template Suite placeholders are visibly grouped under their respective Template Categories, and can be seen so organized at the bottom of the Dashboard Tab, and under the Templates tab. Although similar to Country / Region Settings, Template Categories differ in that:

  • Templates are not required to have an assigned category; and
  • Templates may have multiple Template Categories. 

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Assigned Workflow https://www.legito.com/knowledge-base/assigned-workflow/ Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:12:00 +0000 https://new-blog.legito.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=6152 The post Assigned Workflow appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

To guarantee that Smart Documents generated from an automated template are correctly routed it’s possible to associate a template Suite with a specific Workflow. The Assigned Workflow dropdown is found in the settings area on the right of the Template Suite. Selecting a Workflow from the dropdown will guarantee that any document drafted from a template within this Template Suite will follow that assigned Workflow.


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