Data Import Archives | Legito Learn how to use Legito’s products, and achieve more with Legito thanks to industry insights and best practice advice. Fri, 05 Apr 2024 13:26:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Data Import Archives | Legito 32 32 Import from Sheets Thu, 05 Mar 2020 11:18:11 +0000 The post Import from Sheets appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

Import from Sheets is especially popular with Legito users working with real estate, accounting, or auditing documents.

This feature allows users to automatically pull information from any cell within a spreadsheet (CSV, Excel, Google, or other) and insert that data into any Date, Money, or Text Input in a single Legito Smart Document or into multiple documents in a Smart Document Bundle.

When sending a prospectus, or other detailed financial information, there could potentially be dozens of data points to enter.  Import from Sheets is preferable to visually scanning a spreadsheet and manually entering data into your document, which may increase the chances of data entry error.  

To import data from a sheet in Document Editor, first, click the Import from Sheet tab.   

You will see a field for uploading a file. Using drag and drop, or clicking the “Choose File” button, upload the spreadsheet containing the data.It is now possible to complete the required fields in the document by clicking the “Match Data Fields” button. 
Now, clicking on those Element fields that require data input, you will find that a small pop-up window will appear with three dropdowns:

  • First Dropdown – Name of Spreadsheet File
  • Second Dropdown –X Axis Values
  • Third Dropdown –Y Axis Values

There is also an icon that toggles between a “check” and a “trash can”. Clicking the check box confirms the column choice selected for that field, while the trash can resets it.Use the dropdowns to select the appropriate cells.  Once you have mapped the relevant cells from the spreadsheet to their respective Elements in Document Editor, to further enhance efficiency for future imports, Legito strongly recommends saving your import selections under your Favorite Import Settings, thus saving time for future imports. 

Once you have saved your Import Settings to your Favorites, click “Import” and data from the spreadsheet will automatically populate your document.

On the next occasion, it becomes necessary to import information from a sheet, after the sheet is uploaded to Document Editor, you will be able to select the appropriate setting from the dropdown list entitled “Choose Favorite Import”. This will both save time and ensure accuracy.It is possible to upload a different Spreadsheet at any time by clicking the “Reset” button.

You will also notice an Advanced Settings Button. Clicking on this present a pop-up screen offering options for Encoding (Unicode (UTF-8) – default; ISO-8859-1; and windows-1250); and the type of Separator for data on the spreadsheet (Comma- default; Tab; Semicolon; Space; Other) 

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Import from Legito Thu, 05 Mar 2020 11:08:22 +0000 The post Import from Legito appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024
Legito Document Import makes it possible to import data between any two Legito generated documents in your Smart Document Workspace (even documents from different Template Suites) provided the user is permissioned accordingly.

The ability to create Favorite Import Settings (as described below) is available to all users, however, only Workspace Admins and users permissioned to automate templates can create Favorite Import Settings for other users. 

Legito Document Import helps you to easily import data using System Names and Template Tags with two methods, Smart Import, and Favorite Import Settings.

 •   Smart Import matches like System Names and Template Tags between an existing Legito Document to a new draft. Data in the matching fields are then automatically pulled into the new document. This is usually the preferred method when pulling information from an existing document with matching System Names and / or Template Tags.
 •   Favorite Import Settings will take a template, or previously configured (and saved) import settings and apply them to the new draft document.

Creating Favorite Settings

Click the “Create New Favorite Import” button, then choose the template from which you want to import data either by choosing the Template Suite or by inserting Document Record ID (Legito will automatically recognize Template Suite).

Next, click “Match Data Fields” and then click on those Element fields that require data import. A small pop-up will appear with a dropdown list of the System Names or Template Tags available for selection. This will determine what information from the existing Legito Document is imported into this new document. You will also find an icon that toggles between a “check” and a “trash can”.  Clicking the check box “confirms” your selection, the trash can resets it.

After selecting all fields that require import, save the current import settings by clicking the “Add to Favorite Imports” button, entering a unique but standardized name in the “Insert Setting Name” field, and clicking the “Add to Favorite Imports” button.  

A Favorite Import Setting can be created from a published template. 

Although when creating a new Favorite Setting you will see both a dropdown list of templates as well as a text field for entering a Document Record ID, the Document Record ID field is only required if the template is a newer version which has System Names and Element fields that no longer coincide with the fields in your draft document. The Document ID of a document with the appropriate fields will instruct Document Editor to find that version of the template.

Although Legito Document Import is a precise way of importing data from existing documents, there are other ways to pull data from one Legito document into another, such as the use of Link Elements, which make it possible for data to be transferred across any of the interconnected documents of a Document Bundle generated from the same Template Suite.

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External source import via API Tue, 03 Mar 2020 18:55:11 +0000 The post External source import via API appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

Article coming soon…

Please see our Developers section.


The post External source import via API appeared first on Legito.

Batch Generation Tue, 03 Mar 2020 18:49:48 +0000 The post Batch Generation appeared first on Legito.

Last review: March 2024

On occasion, it may be necessary to simultaneously generate multiple versions of the same document, each document however, populated with different information.

For instance, an HR department may need to send privacy notices to all the employees of a department, or a company may need to send a Confirmation of Receipt Notice to multiple clients. The most efficient way to do this would be to use the Batch Generation from Sheets Function.  In the examples above, first, the user can download all employee / client data to a spreadsheet.

Clicking the Batch Generation Tab in Document Editor, a field for uploading a file will become visible. Using drag and drop, or clicking the “Choose File” button, upload the spreadsheet containing the data.  It is now possible to complete the required fields in the document by clicking the “Match Data Fields” button. You will see the following sentence:

“Please select the column to represent individual file names”

Under this, you will find a dropdown list of the column titles (top rows) available for selection. This will determine the filename for each file generated from the spreadsheet.

Now, when clicking on those Element fields that require data input, you will find that a small pop up will appear with a single dropdown list. The names on the dropdown represent the column titles (top rows) in the Spreadsheet. To the right of the dropdown there is an icon which toggles between a “check” and a “trash can”. Clicking the check box “locks” in your selection, the trash can resets it.

Select the appropriate column title for each of the appropriate fields to proceed. This step is instructing Document Editor to create a new document for each row of data under that column.

For instance, if column A is mapped to a Text Input Element, then three documents will be generated, each with a different name. This can be repeated with the other columns to other Elements within the document.

Once complete, click the “Finish Matching” Button, and data from the spreadsheet will automatically populate your documents.

Once you have mapped the relevant cells from the spreadsheet to their respective Elements in Document Editor, to further enhance efficiency, Legito strongly recommends adding your import selections to your Favorite Batch Generation Settings, thus saving time for future Batch Generations.

On the next occasion, it becomes necessary to perform a Batch Generation from a sheet, after the sheet is uploaded to Document Editor, you will be able to select the appropriate Favorite Batch Generation setting from the dropdown list entitled “Choose”. This will both save time and ensure accuracy.

Below, you will notice a “Share” button. If there are Legito users or guests listed in the spreadsheet, with their user or employee information (i.e., Email, Name, Position, User ID, or Custom ID), then generated documents can be emailed directly to those users automatically, based on the details in the sheet. Further, it is possible to adjust the permissions as required (i.e., View (Document) Records only), View Documents, Edit Documents, Manage Documents).

You will also notice an Advanced Settings Button. Clicking on this presents a pop-up screen, offering options for Encoding (Unicode (UTF-8) – default; ISO-8859-1; and windows-1250); and the type of Separator for data on the spreadsheet (Comma- default; Tab; Semicolon; Space; Other)Scrolling to the bottom of the screen, clicking the “Continue to Batch Settings” button will show a pop-up window that will offer two important settings options: Document Style and Create Document Records without Batch Export.

Checking this box will allow for the creation of Document Records for each of the documents generated from the spreadsheet, without exporting to Word or PDF files.It is possible to upload a different spreadsheet at any time by clicking the “Reset” button.

Once the selections have been made, click the Run Batch Generation button to proceed. The User will be forwarded to the Batch Generation section of the Manage Documents area where the progress of each Batch Generation can be tracked, and all batch generated Documents can be downloaded in one .zip file.

The post Batch Generation appeared first on Legito.
